This company was founded the year 1905 to build and manage the Grand Hotel in Viña del Mar, the first luxury establishment in this trendy resort city. In 1935 the Astoreca family bought the company, Compañia Hotelera Andes, as it is known until today.
A few years later, in Viña del Mar as well, the 200 bedrooms G.Hotel O'Higgins was inaugurated, and due to the high demand, two new adjoining buildings increased capacity to 330 bedrooms, suites, restaurants and spacious meeting rooms.
In 1946 new developments were focused in the capital, Santiago: The Hotel Ritz and later, in the fifties, Hotel Santa Lucía, the Carlton House and the Andes Apartments, with an overall rooming capacity of 200 plus rooms, in prime historic downtown locations, pioneers (then) in direct dial phones, room safe, colour TV etc. in all rooms. Currently, flat HD TV screens, WiFi and refurbished bathrooms.